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Hamilton, Clermont, Warren Counties, OH November 3, 2009 Election
Smart Voter

Accomplishments and Mission

By Robert H. Weisgerber

Candidate for Council Member; City of Loveland

This information is provided by the candidate

- A1 Bond Rating for the City

- New Safety Service Center

- Historic Loveland Redevelopment

- Consolidated Public Works

- Habitat for Humanity House

- Significant Road Improvements

- Establish Budget and CIP timetables

- Significant Water System Upgrades

- Purchase of White Pillars property / home curratorship

- Northeast Communication center

- Introduced Partial Birth ban resolution

- Storm water retention / detention zoning

- New Cell Tower regulations

- New subdivision zoning regulations

- East Loveland Ave. Nature Preserve

- Conserved over 100 acres Green Space

- Added Storm Siren

- Introduced council meeting invocations

- New Senior Citizen's center

- Added Simpson property to Phillips park

- Started Loveland bike races

- Established the Northeast TIF

- Loveland-Madeira Road Overlay

- Storm Water Funds

- 5 Points Intersection Funding

- Remodeled City Hall

- Remodeled 2nd Street Fire House

- Reduced your property tax

- Added a new park in Warren County

- Challenged Hamilton County and MSD on Sewer Rates


When elected to City Council, I plan on addressing the following issues:

1)Protect your pocketbook. We have managed to hold our operations of utilities at or below CPI and will continue to manage our cost of government to keep fees, rates and taxes low. It is for this reason we took on Hamilton County and MSD to protect your rates into the future.

2) Stay focused on basic City services
- Provide balance in dollars and priorities between basic services (such as roads, public works, police and fire) and other improvement projects.

2) Improve the cost effectiveness of City services
- Participate in more public / private partnerships to continue community improvements and offset the tax burden for the people.
- Investigate Tax Increment Financing opportunities

3) Continue to stress economic development
- Keep taxes down by improving the tax base thereby providing the revenues for the growing service demands this city is faced with.
- Actively pursue businesses to fill vacancies and look for new opportunities to provide growth in jobs. This includes, but is not limited to, Loveland Madeira Road redevelopment, historic downtown focus, and balanced new development.

4) Work with regional agencies for municipal emergency planning "« I was in Houston during the evacuation for Hurricane Rita to witness first hand the positives and negatives of their planning and execution. I will continue to work proactively to bring the lessons learned from the recent natural disasters into our emergency planning

A vote for me brings proactive and experienced leadership with community long-term benefits in mind. I have the ability to make the tough decisions facing our City.

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