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Santa Cruz County, CA November 8, 2022 Election
Directory of Santa Cruz County, CA Measures
County Results as of Mar 6 1:48am, 100.0% of Precincts Reporting (200/200)
27.58% Countywide Voter Turnout (46679/169243)

Click on ballot measure for more detail.

Measure K. School Bond -- Santa Cruz City School District (55% Approval Required)
Pass: 33156 / 66.76% Yes votes ...... 16508 / 33.24% No votes
To repair/upgrade local middle and high school classrooms/facilities to support achievement in science, math, technology, arts, and skilled trades; build affordable teacher-staff rental housing; install solar/reduce environmental impacts; fix deteriorating roofs, plumbing and electrical; remove asbestos/lead; shall Santa Cruz City High School District's measure authorizing $249 million in bonds at legal rates be adopted, levying an estimated 3₵ / $100 assessed value ($12 million annually) while bonds are outstanding, with citizen oversight and all money staying local?

Measure L. School Bond -- Santa Cruz City Elementary School District (55% Approval Required)
Pass: 17856 / 71.21% Yes votes ...... 7219 / 28.79% No votes
To repair/upgrade local elementary schools/classrooms to support achievement in science, math, reading, technology, and arts; fix deteriorating roofs, plumbing and electrical; remove asbestos and lead; build affordable teacher-staff rental housing; and install solar/reduce environmental impacts; shall the Santa Cruz City Elementary School District measure authorizing $122 million in bonds at legal rates be adopted, levying an estimated 3₵ / $100 assessed value ($6 million annually) while bonds are outstanding, with citizen oversight and all money staying local?

Measure M. Parcel Tax -- Loma Prieta Joint Union School District (2/3 Approval Required)
Pass: 1,716 / 67.3% Yes votes ...... 833 / 32.7% No votes
   344 (69.08%) Yes / 154 (30.92%) No in Santa Clara County
   1372 (66.89%) Yes / 679 (33.11%) No in Santa Cruz County
To provide Loma Prieta neighborhood elementary/middle school students with stable funding for current instruction in math, science, reading, technology, arts and other core curriculum; retain/recruit highly qualified teachers, and continue to support classroom technology needs, shall Loma Prieta Joint Union Elementary School District's measure be approved establishing an annual parcel tax of $348 for 8 years, raising approximately $640,000 a year, with senior exemptions, independent citizen oversight, no funds for administrator's salaries, all funds staying in our local schools?

Measure N. Empty Home Tax -- City of Santa Cruz (Majority Approval Required)
Fail: 11202 / 46.04% Yes votes ...... 13130 / 53.96% No votes
Shall the City of Santa Cruz establish an "Empty Home Tax" on residences that are in use less than 120 days per calendar year in the amount of $6,000 per single-family residence, $6,000 per parcel with six or fewer units, and $3,000 per year on condominiums and residential units with seven or more units, with revenue allocated toward affordable housing projects, 15% for administration, and 5% for homeless sanitation services, with administration overseen by a community oversight committee?

Measure O. General Plan Amendment -- City of Santa Cruz (Majority Approval Required)
Fail: 9656 / 40.52% Yes votes ...... 14174 / 59.48% No votes
Shall the City of Santa Cruz General Plan and Downtown Plan be amended to: (1) prohibit construction of the proposed Downtown Library and Affordable Housing Project and relocation of the Downtown Farmers Market; (2) require development of affordable housing on certain Downtown City-owned surface parking lots; and (3) designate the use of surplus parking district revenue for Downtown affordable housing development projects, alternative transportation programs for downtown workers and other non-parking related expenditures?

Measure P. Transient Occupancy Tax -- City of Santa Cruz (Majority Approval Required)
Pass: 19437 / 80.61% Yes votes ...... 4675 / 19.39% No votes
To fund essential City services, including wildfire prevention; public safety; emergency response; creeks/steams protection; clean parks and public restrooms; street and sidewalk maintenance; affordable housing for working families and the homeless; creating local jobs, shall City of Santa Cruz Municipal Code be amended to increase the Transient Occupancy Tax, paid by tourists and others staying overnight at lodging facilities, from 11% to 12% for hotels/motels/inns, and from 11% to 14% for short-term residential vacation rentals, providing approximately $1,380,000 annually?

Measure Q. Planned Growth and Farmland Protectio -- City of Watsonville (Majority Approval Required)
Pass: 5757 / 67.77% Yes votes ...... 2738 / 32.23% No votes
Shall the City of Watsonville amend provisions of the Watsonville General Plan as provided in the Watsonville Planned Growth and Farmland Protection Initiative?

Measure R. Special Tax -- City of Watsonville (Majority Approval Required)
Pass: 5580 / 64.4% Yes votes ...... 3084 / 35.6% No votes
Community Investment Tax. To provide locally-controlled funding for Watsonville's essential general services, including: after-school and anti-gang programs that keep kids safe; creating safe places to play; keeping parks/ Watsonville Slough trails safe and clean; repairing, expanding, improving parks/playgrounds; fixing potholes; maintaining streets; creating jobs; supporting local businesses, libraries, senior meal programs and general government use; shall the City of Watsonville measure be adopted levying one-half cent sales tax, until ended by voters, providing $5 million dollars annually, with community oversight?

Measure S. Growth Planning -- City of Watsonville (Majority Approval Required)
Pass: 4286 / 50.06% Yes votes ...... 4275 / 49.94% No votes
Shall the City of Watsonville maintain the restrictions on growth approved by the voters in 2002 until 2040, with the exception of any property identified by the City Council during the General Plan update, subject to community input, as being well suited for development that would create local jobs, parks, and safe spaces for kids to play, or housing for working families, seniors, and residents with disabilities?

Measure T. Parcel Tax -- Boulder Creek Recreation and Park District (2/3 Approval Required)
Fail: 2458 / 57.51% Yes votes ...... 1816 / 42.49% No votes
To improve and build large capital and infrastructure projects, improve safety and enhance our aged buildings and parks, build new public and ADA accessible restrooms, replace ailing infrastructure of our Downtown and Bear Creek Facilities, and develop alternative green energy to power our public spaces, and utilize locally controlled funding with independent oversight, shall BCRPD Capital Improvement Measure levy $36 per parcel/equivalent dwelling unit annually for 30 years?

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Created: September 11, 2024 00:03 PDT
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