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El Dorado County, CA November 8, 2022 Election
Directory of El Dorado County, CA Measures
County Results as of Sep 10 11:01pm

Click on ballot measure for more detail.

Measure G. Cannabis Business Tax -- City of South Lake Tahoe (Majority Approval Required)
Pass: 3,521 / 62.95% Yes votes ...... 2,072 / 37.05% No votes
Shall the measure to maintain essential services such as wildfire prevention, safety, snow removal, road repair, youth programs, other general services by converting existing cannabis business fees to a gross receipts tax up to 6% on retail/distribution/manufacturing, $20/square foot of canopy on cultivation, providing approximately $950,000 annually until ended by voters, continuing regulations/limits on cannabis businesses, requiring public spending disclosure, all funds for South Lake Tahoe, be adopted?

Measure H. Resolution -- Carson Creek Park Landscaping and Lighting Assessment District 39 (Majority Approval Required)
Pass: 1,062 / 90.85% Yes votes ...... 107 / 9.15% No votes
Shall the El Dorado Hills Community Services District repeal Resolutions 2019-11 and 2020-11 establishing assessments on the Carson Creek Park Landscaping and Lighting Assessment District #39 for fiscal years 2019-2020 and 2020-2021 for the provision of park improvements and maintenance and order a refund to homeowners of any monies currently held by the District that were collected pursuant to those resolutions?

Measure J. Special Tax -- Cameron Park Airport District (2/3 Approval Required)
Pass: 152 / 78.35% Yes votes ...... 42 / 21.65% No votes
Shall the measure increasing the Cameron Park Airport District annual special tax from $300 to $900 per parcel for an unlimited duration apportioned $600 for airport operations and maintenance, and $300 for maintenance of residential streets, generating a total annual revenue increasing from $39,300 to $117,900 commencing fiscal year 2023/2024 be adopted?

Measure K. School Bond -- Lake Tahoe Unified School District (55% Approval Required)
Fail: 5,133 / 54.29% Yes votes ...... 4,322 / 45.71% No votes
To improve the quality of education; repair/replace leaky roofs; update inadequate electrical systems; and modernize, renovate and construct classrooms, restrooms and school facilities; shall Lake Tahoe Unified School District's measure be adopted authorizing $107,000,000 of bonds at legal rates, generating on average $5.7 million annually as long as bonds are outstanding at a rate of approximately 3.5 cents per $100 assessed value, with annual audits, independent citizens' oversight, NO money for salaries and all money staying local?

Measure L. Special Tax -- County Service Area 9 Zone 98507 Highlands Village Lighting District (2/3 Approval Required)
Pass: 107 / 86.29% Yes votes ...... 17 / 13.71% No votes
Shall the measure to levy an annual special tax in an amount of $140.00, with an annual adjustment using the Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers, on each parcel of land within the Highlands Village Lighting Zone of Benefit, commencing fiscal year 2023/2024 and continuing for an unlimited duration, to be used only for street and highway lighting operations and maintenance, and generating an annual revenue of $10,920.00, to replace the current benefit assessment of $86.00, be adopted?"

Measure M. Special Tax -- County Service Area 9 Zone 30 Lynx Trail (2/3 Approval Required)
Fail: 42 / 62.69% Yes votes ...... 25 / 37.31% No votes
Shall the measure to levy an annual special tax in an amount of $450.00 on each parcel of land within the Lynx Trail Road Zone of Benefit commencing fiscal year 2023/2024 and continuing for an unlimited duration, to be used only for road improvements and maintenance services and generating an annual revenue of $33,300.00 to replace the current benefit assessment of $300.00, be adopted?

Measure N. Special Tax -- Hickok Road Community Services District (2/3 Approval Required)
Fail: 45 / 62.50% Yes votes ...... 27 / 37.50% No votes
Shall the measure increasing the per parcel Hickok Road CSD special tax limit from $200 to $400 per year for the first time since 1980, resulting in a maximum annual income of $24,800 for all future years in order to address the inability to maintain the roads with current funds due to the prohibitive cost increases in asphalt, be adopted.

Measure P. Special Tax -- Knolls Property Owners Community Services District (2/3 Approval Required)
Pass: 37 / 75.51% Yes votes ...... 12 / 24.49% No votes
Shall the measure increasing the maximum annual Voter Approved Special Tax assessed by the Knolls Property Owners Community Services District by $300.00 per parcel per year, such that the total Voter Approved Special Tax may be increased from $300.00 per year to a maximum of $600.00 per parcel per year (+CPI), be adopted? This increase in the Special Tax or Road Work will raise as much as $8,400 annually+CPI, in perpetuity

Measure Q. School Bond -- Black Oak Mine Unified School District (55% Approval Required)
Fail: 3,279 / 50.54% Yes votes ...... 3,209 / 49.46% No votes
To improve the quality of education; repair or replace leaky roofs; upgrade and modernize outdated classrooms, restrooms and school facilities; and replace outdated HVAC systems; shall Black Oak Mine Unified School District's measure be adopted authorizing $28,900,000 of bonds at legal rates, generating on average $1,496,000 annually at a rate of approximately 3.9 cents per $100 assessed value while bonds are outstanding, with annual audits, independent citizens' oversight committee, NO money for salaries and all money staying local?

Measure R. Transient Occupancy Tax -- El Dorado County Unincorporated West Slope Area (2/3 Approval Required)
Fail: 32,616 / 45.77% Yes votes ...... 38,639 / 54.23% No votes
For the sole purpose of maintaining El Dorado County's existing roads in the unincorporated portion of the West Slope, shall an ordinance to Fix Our Roads be adopted to increase the 'hotel/motel' tax rate upon visitors of vacation home rentals, hotels, motels, and similar facilities in the unincorporated portion of the West Slope of the County from 10% to 12% of rent charged to visitors, providing approximately an additional $340,000 annually, with Citizen's Oversight and until repealed?

Measure S. Transient Occupancy Tax -- El Dorado County Unincorporated East Slope Tahoe Area (2/3 Approval Required)
Pass: 3,629 / 81.83% Yes votes ...... 806 / 18.17% No votes
For the sole purpose of removing snow and maintaining El Dorado County's existing roads in the unincorporated portion of the Tahoe Area, shall an ordinance to Fix Our Roads be adopted to increase the 'hotel/motel' tax rate upon visitors of vacation home rentals, hotels, motels, and similar facilities in the unincorporated portion of the Tahoe Area from 10% to 14% of rent charged to visitors, providing approximately an additional $2,500,000 annually, with Citizen's Oversight and until repealed?

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Created: September 10, 2024 23:03 PDT
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