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Alameda County, CA November 8, 2022 Election
Directory of Alameda County, CA Measures
County Results as of Dec 8 4:15pm

Click on ballot measure for more detail.

Measure D. Save Agriculture and Open Space LAnds Initiative -- County of Alameda (Majority Approval Required)
Pass: 298,036 / 69.71% Yes votes ...... 129,499 / 30.29% No votes
To preserve and enhance agriculture in the unincorporated area of Alameda County, shall the "Save Agriculture and Open Space Lands" Initiative (Measure D, November 2000) allow (1) a maximum floor area ratio of .025 for agricultural buildings in Large Parcel Agriculture areas and (2) a maximum floor area ratio of .025, with a minimum of 20,000 and a maximum of 60,000 square feet, for covered equestrian riding arenas in Large Parcel Agriculture and Resource Management areas?

Measure E. Charter Amendment -- City of Alameda (Majority Approval Required)
Pass: 15,276 / 53.97% Yes votes ...... 13,031 / 46.03% No votes
Shall the Charter be amended to allow City Council to increase salaries for Councilmembers ($1,200/year) and Mayor ($3,600/year) for the first time since the 1970s, by capping annual salaries at an amount not to exceed 30% of the salary for "All Occupations, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Occupational Employment and Wage Statistics, San Francisco-Oakland-Hayward Area" (currently approximately $25,977) effective July 2023?

Measure F. Transient Occupancy Tax -- City of Alameda (Majority Approval Required)
Pass: 16,942 / 59.29% Yes votes ...... 11,631 / 40.71% No votes
Shall an ordinance be adopted increasing the City of Alameda transient occupancy tax from 10% to 14%, paid by hotel/ motel/ short-term rental guests, generating approximately $700,000 to $910,000 annually until ended by voters, for general government use such as maintaining 9-1-1 emergency response times, supporting fire/ paramedic/ police services, repairing potholes/ deteriorating streets and maintaining clean/ safe parks/ beaches?

Measure G. School Bond -- Livermore Valley Joint Unified School District (55% Approval Required)
Fail: 17,094 / 50.1% Yes votes ...... 17,030 / 49.9% No votes
   17,037 (50.12%) Yes / 16,958 (49.88%) No in Alameda County
   57 (44.19%) Yes / 72 (55.81%) No in Contra Costa County
To upgrade aging classrooms, labs and job training facilities to meet safety/ instructional standards and support science, technology, engineering and math instruction; fix leaky roofs/ deteriorating plumbing/ electrical/ heating/ cooling systems; keep instructional technology up-to-date; and improve security/ fire/ earthquake safety shall Livermore Valley Joint Unified School District's measure issuing $450,000,000 in bonds at legal rates, approximately 6(cents) per $100 assessed value while bonds are outstanding ($30,000,000 annually) be adopted, with independent oversight, audits and no funds for administrator salaries?

Measure H. Parcel Tax -- Oakland Unified School District (2/3 Approval Required)
Pass: 102,745 / 81.62% Yes votes ...... 23,144 / 18.38% No votes
To continue to: reduce dropout rates; prepare Oakland students for college and 21st century careers; attract and retain highly qualified teachers; and provide mentoring, tutoring, and counseling; shall the Oakland Unified School District measure renewing the $120 parcel tax for 14 years, without increasing the initial tax rate, adding annual cost-of-living adjustments, exemptions for seniors and specified low-income individuals, and independent oversight and audits, generating at least $11.5 million annually that the State cannot take away be adopted?

Measure I. School Bond -- Pleasanton Unified School District (55% Approval Required)
Pass: 15,710 / 57.20% Yes votes ...... 11,757 / 42.80% No votes
To continue replacing/modernizing deteriorating plumbing, roofs, electrical/HVAC systems, classrooms, science labs, performing arts, physical education facilities/spaces, and alternative high school facilities; constructing career technical/early childhood education classrooms; making safety/access improvements for students with disabilities; shall Pleasanton Unified School District's measure authorizing $395,000,000 in bonds at legal rates, levying approximately $49 per $100,000 of assessed valuation ($26,000,000 annually) while bonds are outstanding, be adopted, requiring audits/oversight?

Measure J. School Bond -- Sunol Glen Unified School District (55% Approval Required)
Pass: 316 / 59.62% Yes votes ...... 214 / 40.38% No votes
To improve the quality of education facilities; make safety and security improvements; renovate electrical, plumbing and HVAC systems; repair/replace leaky roofs; and construct a technology, engineering, and math lab; shall Sunol Glen Unified School District's measure be adopted authorizing the issuance of $10,900,000 of bonds at legal interest rates, generating on average $614,500 annually while bonds are outstanding, at rates of approximately 5.2 cents per $100 assessed value, with annual audits, citizens' oversight, and no money for salaries?

Measure K. Special Tax -- City of Albany (2/3 Approval Required)
Pass: 5,752 / 76.23% Yes votes ...... 1,794 / 23.77% No votes
To maintain and enhance local paramedic, advanced life support, firefighting services, firefighting equipment and ambulance service; shall a measure repealing the current two special emergency services taxes and adding a new Emergency Medical Services, Advanced Life Support, and Fire Protection Special Tax on residential and commercial property at $0.074 per square foot of land, providing $1,950,000 annually, subject to CPI adjustment, until ended by voters, exempting very low-income residents, with annual independent audits, be adopted?

Measure L. General Obligation Bond -- City of Berkeley (2/3 Approval Required)
Fail: 26,545 / 59.42% Yes votes ...... 18,130 / 40.58% No votes
Shall the measure to create affordable housing; repair streets and sidewalks; underground utilities; and enhance buildings, infrastructure, and safety, authorizing the issuance of $650 million in general obligation bonds, subject to independent oversight and audits, be adopted?

Financial Implications Median annual cost over the projected 48-year period bonds are outstanding is approximately $40.91 for every $100,000 or $265 for the average assessed home value of $647,000; raising approximately $25,000,000/year.

Measure M. Property Tax -- City of Berkeley (Majority Approval Required)
Pass: 28,805 / 64.94% Yes votes ...... 15,549 / 35.06% No votes
Shall the measure to tax property owners who keep residential units vacant more than 182 days per year, $3,000 for each nonexempt condominium, duplex, single family dwelling, or townhouse vacant unit in the first year, increasing to $6,000 for each subsequent year, and $6,000 for all other residential units vacant in the first year, increasing to $12,000 for each subsequent year, with exceptions, from January 1, 2024 to December 31, 2034, generating between $3,900,000 and $5,900,000 annually, be adopted?

Measure N. Low Income Housing -- City of Berkeley (Majority Approval Required)
Pass: 33,791 / 76.13% Yes votes ...... 10,597 / 23.87% No votes
Shall any federal, state or local public entity be empowered to develop, construct or acquire an additional 3,000 units of low-rent housing in the City of Berkeley for persons of low income?

Financial Implications: Uncertain, dependent on means of financing used.

Measure O. Property Transfer Tax -- City of Emeryville (Majority Approval Required)
Pass: 2,549 / 71.28% Yes votes ...... 1,027 / 28.72% No votes
Shall the measure to fund general City services including fire/emergency response/police; street/sidewalk/park maintenance; water pollution prevention; disaster preparedness; affordable housing; senior/childcare/recreation services, by increasing the City of Emeryville Real Property Transfer Tax to $15 per thousand for property sales between $1,000,000 and $2,000,000 and $25 per thousand for property sales above $ 2,000,000, raising $ 5,000,000 annually until ended by voters, with citizen oversight, audits, and public disclosure of all spending be adopted?

Measure P. General Plan Amendment -- City of Livermore (Majority Approval Required)
Pass: 21,098 / 66.60% Yes votes ...... 10,583 / 33.40% No votes
Shall the ordinance amending the South Livermore Urban Growth Boundary policies in the City of Livermore's General Plan to allow the City to extend sewer service to permitted uses within the South Livermore Valley Area Plan Planning Area be adopted?

Measure Q. Affordable Housing -- City of Oakland (Majority Approval Required)
Pass: 100,844 / 80.07% Yes votes ...... 25,107 / 19.93% No votes
Shall the measure to authorize the City of Oakland to develop, construct, or acquire, or assist the development of, up to 13,000 low rent residential units in social housing projects within the City for the purpose of providing affordable rental housing be adopted?

Measure R. City Charter Amendment -- City of Oakland (Majority Approval Required)
Pass: 95,980 / 75.47% Yes votes ...... 31,192 / 24.53% No votes
Shall the measure to amend the City Charter to replace gender-specific language with gender neutral language, such as replacing words like "fireman" with "firefighters" and using gender-neutral pronouns in referring to City officers and staff, recognizing that women and non-binary persons as well as men are qualified for and hold such positions, and to avoid gender stereotyping and discrimination, and promote inclusivity be adopted?

Measure S. City Charter Amendment -- City of Oakland (Majority Approval Required)
Pass: 83,637 / 66.58% Yes votes ...... 41,985 / 33.42% No votes
Shall the measure to amend the City Charter to allow the City Council by adopting an ordinance, to authorize voting by noncitizen residents, who are the parents, legal guardians, or legally recognized caregivers of a child, for the Office of Oakland School Board Director if they are otherwise eligible to vote under state and local law be adopted?

Measure T. Business Tax -- City of Oakland (Majority Approval Required)
Pass: 89,926 / 71.77% Yes votes ...... 35,367 / 28.23% No votes
Shall the measure amending Oakland's business tax rates to create a progressive rate structure that would (1) impose the highest rates on the highest grossing businesses, (2) increase Oakland's annual tax revenue by an estimated $20,900,000, and (3) generate approximately $124,000,000 in total annual revenue for municipal services by imposing business tax rates of .05% to .55% of gross receipts, and other rates as stated in the measure, be adopted?

Measure U. General Obligation Bond -- City of Oakland (2/3 Approval Required)
Pass: 95,816 / 75.33% Yes votes ...... 31,387 / 24.67% No votes
Shall the measure to improve public safety and invest in Oakland by creating affordable housing for Oaklanders, increasing housing for homeless Oaklanders, repaving streets to remove potholes, improving traffic/pedestrian safety, and updating fire stations and other public facilities, by issuing $850,000,000 in general obligation bonds, raising approximately $85,000,000 annually while bonds are outstanding at the rate of $0.071 per $100 ($71 per $100,000) of assessed value, with independent oversight and annual audits be adopted?

Measure V. Home Evictions -- City of Oakland (Majority Approval Required)
Pass: 84,758 / 68.30% Yes votes ...... 39,331 / 31.70% No votes
Shall the Measure amending the Just Cause for Eviction Ordinance to: (1) prohibit no-fault evictions of children and educators during the school year; (2) extend eviction protections to tenants in recreational vehicles (RVs), tiny homes on wheels, and newly constructed units except during the first 10 years after issuance of the certificate of occupancy; (3) remove failure to sign a new lease as grounds for eviction; and (4) make other clarifying amendments, be adopted?

Measure W. City Charter Amendment -- City of Oakland (Majority Approval Required)
Pass: 91,279 / 73.92% Yes votes ...... 32,206 / 26.08% No votes
Shall the Measure amending the Oakland Municipal Code and City Charter to establish resident public financing for candidate election campaigns, increase transparency regarding independent spending in City elections, further restrict former city officials from acting as lobbyists, and provide additional resources to the Public Ethics Commission for implementation be adopted?

Measure X. City Charter Amendment -- City of Oakland (Majority Approval Required)
Pass: 94,497 / 80.21% Yes votes ...... 23,319 / 19.79% No votes
Shall a measure to amend the Charter to, among other things, establish Councilmember term limits, require two hearings before Council places certain measures on the ballot; count Councilmember abstentions and absences as "no" votes in determining whether Mayor may break a tie; provide Public Ethics Commission discretion in setting Councilmember salaries; authorize the Commission to set City Attorney and Auditor salaries; and add and detail duties and provide minimum staffing for the Auditor, be adopted?

Measure Y. Parcel Tax -- City of Oakland (Majority Approval Required)
Pass: 77,769 / 63.07% Yes votes ...... 45,529 / 36.93% No votes
Shall the measure to amend Oakland's Municipal Code to fund Oakland Zoo operations, staffing, maintenance and capital improvements, including but not limited to animal care and rehabilitation, educational and conservation programs, fire prevention, accessibility, and visitor services, by imposing an annual $68 parcel tax for single-family parcels, and other parcels as specified, for 20 years, raising approximately $12,000,000 annually with exemptions for low-income households and others, and citizen oversight, be adopted?

Measure Z. Sales Tax -- City of Union City (Majority Approval Required)
Pass: 12,782 / 74.40% Yes votes ...... 4,398 / 25.60% No votes
To maintain funding the State cannot take away for Union City services, such as keeping fire stations open/ fully staffed, 9-1-1 emergency response, street/ pothole repair, paramedic services, neighborhood police patrols, disaster preparedness, senior/ youth programs and for general government use, shall the City of Union City measure extending the existing voter-approved sales tax without increasing the current 1/2(cents) rate be adopted, raising $6,600,000 annually for nine years, with annual audits, independent oversight and all funds staying local?

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Created: September 11, 2024 00:03 PDT
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