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Alameda County, CA March 3, 2020 Election
Directory of Alameda County, CA Measures
County Results as of Mar 24 2:56pm, 100.0% of Precincts Reporting (1014/1014)
51.1% Countywide Voter Turnout (469,968/920,175)

Click on ballot measure for more detail.

Measure A. Parcel Tax -- Alameda Unified School District (2/3 Approval Required)
Pass: 19,554 / 67.10% Yes votes ...... 9,588 / 32.90% No votes
To support all Alameda students and maintain high-quality Alameda schools by attracting and retaining excellent teachers and employees, sustaining strong academic programs in reading, writing, math, arts/sciences, and helping counselors support struggling students, shall an Alameda Unified School District measure, levying $0.265 per building area square foot (capped at $7,999 per parcel) and $299 per vacant parcel annually for 7 years, be adopted, raising $10,500,000 annually with senior exemptions, audits, oversight, and all funds staying local?

Measure B. Parcel Tax -- Albany Unified School District (2/3 Approval Required)
Pass: 6,409 / 83.16% Yes votes ...... 1,298 / 16.84% No votes
To maintain excellent schools; attract and retain exceptional teachers and counselors; protect science, arts, language, library services, and reading and math support; limit class sizes; keep schools safe; and keep classroom technology and materials up-to-date; shall Albany Unified School District adopt a measure renewing an expiring $318 annual parcel tax, adding $130 annually, for six years, with senior exemptions, cost of living adjustments, and independent audits, raising $2,200,000 annually, with all funds staying local to benefit Albany students?

Measure C. Sales Tax -- County of Alameda (Majority Approval Required)
Pass: 287,027 / 64.35% Yes votes ...... 159,046 / 35.65% No votes
Alameda County Care for Kids. To improve critical early health and education for Alameda County children by: protecting local childrens' healthcare safety net and Level 1 Pediatric Trauma Center; and increasing access to high quality, affordable childcare and preschool to improve kindergarten readiness, school success and high school graduation rates; shall a County of Alameda ordinance enacting a 20-year half-percent sales tax providing approximately $150,000,000 annually with citizens' oversight and mandatory annual audits be adopted?

Measure D. General Obligation Bond -- Alameda County Fire Department (2/3 Approval Required)
Fail: 21,188 / 66.37% Yes votes ...... 10,735 / 33.63% No votes
Shall the measure authorizing the Alameda County Fire Department to issue $90,000,000 in general obligation bonds to repair / replace outdated stations, thereby maintaining services in unincorporated communities (including medical emergency lifesaving services, fast 911 response, wildfire protection and disaster response) in an estimated levy of 1.6 cents per $100 assessed value, raising on average $5,200,000 annually for approximately 31 years, with oversight and audits, and no funds for salaries, benefits or pensions be adopted?

Measure E. Parcel Tax -- Berkeley Unified School District (2/3 Approval Required)
Pass: 39,860 / 80.51% Yes votes ...... 9,652 / 19.49% No votes
To recruit and retain qualified teachers and prevent shortages of essential school staff, shall the Berkeley Unified School District adopt a measure to levy a special tax of 12.4¢/square foot on improvements, and $25/parcel on unimproved parcels, for 12 years, with annual cost-of-living adjustments, low income exemptions, and independent citizen and auditor oversight, generating approximately $9,500,000 annually in local funds for Berkeley public schools that cannot be taken away by the State?

Measure F. Sales Tax -- City of Emeryville (2/3 Approval Required)
Pass: 2,589 / 74.50% Yes votes ...... 886 / 25.50% No votes
To maintain health communities and improve quality of life in Emeryville, shall a measure to protect the safety of local residents, reduce property crimes/auto burglaries, improve fire protection services, and provide a nurturing environment for pre-K/early childhood education for working families by levying a quarter-cent sales tax, raising approximately $2 million annually, until ended by voter, with independent oversight and audits, exclusively for public safety and child development in Emeryville, be adopted?

Measure G. School Bond -- Berkeley Unified School District (55% Approval Required)
Pass: 37,403 / 80.52% Yes votes ...... 9,048 / 19.48% No votes
To improve school facilities, construct/ modernize classrooms and campuses, complete seismic upgrades, construct science labs/ career technical education facilities, upgrade furnishings, equipment, technology, renovate playgrounds, improve energy efficiency, and qualify for State grants, shall the Berkeley Unified School District adopt a measure authorizing $380,000,000 in bonds at legal rates, generating approximately $21,347,300 annually at an average rate of 4.45 cents per $100 while bonds are outstanding, with independent citizen and auditor oversight and all funds remaining local?

Measure H. Parcel Tax -- Berkeley Unified School District (2/3 Approval Required)
Pass: 39,100 / 83.74% Yes votes ...... 7,594 / 16.26% No votes
To provide essential maintenance of buildings, classrooms, grounds, roofs, electrical, mechanical/plumbing systems, and address fire/safety hazards, shall Berkeley Unified School District adopt a measure to continue its existing special tax at 9.1¢/square foot on improvements, and $20/parcel on unimproved parcels, for 10 years, with cost-of-living adjustments, low-income exemptions, independent citizen and auditor oversight, generating approximately $7,330,841 annually in local funds for Berkeley public schools that cannot be taken away by the State?

Measure I. Parcel Tax -- Castro Valley Unified School District (2/3 Approval Required)
Fail: 10,789 / 64.61% Yes votes ...... 5,909 / 35.39% No votes
To maintain quality education in Castro Valley elementary, middle and high schools, by retaining/attracting highly qualified teachers; preserving strong academic programs in reading, writing, science, technology, engineering, arts, and math; preparing students for college and careers; and supporting the well-being of all students; shall the Castro Valley Unified School District measure to levy $96 per parcel per year for 6 years to be adopted, raising approximately $1,500,000 annually with independent oversight, senior exemptions, and all funds benefiting local schools?

Measure J. School Bond -- Dublin Unified School District (55% Approval Required)
Pass: 7,958 / 57.83% Yes votes ...... 5,804 / 42.17% No votes
To improve the quality of education with funding that cannot be taken by the State, shall Dublin Unified School District update/modernize older schools, complete the second comprehensive high school and construct a middle school to relieve overcrowding, by adopting a measure authorizing $290,000,000 in bonds at legal interest rates, averaging $18,300,000 raised annually, with rates averaging $50 per $100,000 of assessed valuation while bonds are outstanding, with annual audits, citizens oversight, and all funds benefiting Dublin schools?

Measure K. Parcel Tax -- Emery Unified School District (2/3 Approval Required)
Pass: 2,855 / 75.25% Yes votes ...... 939 / 24.75% No votes
To recruit/retain qualified, experienced teachers; maintain outstanding core academic programs/achievement in reading, writing, math, science, art; support the health/well-being of all students; and prepare students for college/21st century careers; shall the Emery Unified School District measure to levy and education parcel tax at 12¢ per square foot of building area for 9 years, raising $1,800,000 annually with senior exemptions, citizen's oversight, no funds for administrator salaries and all funds benefiting Emery Unified School District, be adopted?

Measure L. Parcel Tax -- Fremont Unified School District (2/3 Approval Required)
Fail: 25,009 / 54.86% Yes votes ...... 20,578 / 45.14% No votes
To ensure quality education and maintain stable funding that cannot be taken by the State, shall Fremont Unified School District's measure attracting and retaining highly qualified educators; enhancing science, technology, engineering, and math opportunities for students; maintaining math, science, reading and writing programs; restore smaller class size; annually levying $296 per parcel for 9 years, raising $18.3 million each year, with senior exemptions, independent citizens' oversight, and all funds for Fremont students, be adopted?

Measure M. School Bond -- Pleasanton Unified School District (55% Approval Required)
Fail: 12,562 / 52.40% Yes votes ...... 11,411 / 47.60% No votes
To upgrade/construct classrooms and facilities to support science, technology, engineering, math, arts/music and accommodate growing student enrollment; improve safety/security systems; replace aging rooms, plumbing/electrical/HVAC systems; and improve access for students with disabilities; shall Pleasanton Unified School District's measure be adopted, authorizing $323,000,000 in bonds at legal rates, raising approximately $21,300,000 annually with rates averaging 4.31¢ per $100 of assessed valuation while bonds are outstanding, with independent oversight, audits, and no money for administrators?

Measure N. School Bond -- San Leandro Unified School District (55% Approval Required)
Pass: 11,147 / 63.90% Yes votes ...... 6,298 / 36.10% No votes
To repair, construct, acquire and equip classrooms, science labs, career training, and school facilities that support college/career readiness in science, technology, engineering, arts, and math and skilled trades; keep instructional technology current; and improve student safety/campus security, shall the San Leandro Unified School District measure authorizing $198,000,000 in bonds at legal rates be adopted, levying approximately 4 cents per $100 assessed value ($10,000,000 annually) while bonds are outstanding, with citizen oversight and all money benefiting San Leandro children?

Measure O. School Bond -- Sunol Glen Unified School District (55% Approval Required)
Fail: 227 / 50.56% Yes votes ...... 222 / 49.44% No votes
To improve the quality of education facilities; renovate electrical, plumbing and HVAC systems; repair/replace leaky roofs; and construct a multi-purpose room and technology, engineering, and math lab; shall Sunol Glen Unified School District's measure be adopted authorizing the issuance of $9,500,000 of bonds at legal interest rates, generating on average $535,972 annually as long as bonds are outstanding, at rates of approximately 5.9 cents per $100 assessed value, with annual audits, citizens' oversight, and no money for salaries?

Measure P. Development Agreement -- City of Livermore (Majority Approval Required)
Pass: 19,546 / 66.29% Yes votes ...... 9,941 / 33.71% No votes
Shall Ordinance No. 2089, approving a development agreement for the Wine Country Hotel at the Bankhead project (Development Agreement 19-001), be adopted?

Measure Q. Tax Ordinance -- City of Oakland (Majority Approval Required)
Pass: 89,363 / 68.08% Yes votes ...... 41,901 / 31.92% No votes
Shall the measure increasing the appropriations limit under Article XIIIB of the California Constitution (which limits city expenditures of tax proceeds) to allow the City of Oakland to continue to expend revenues from taxes previously approved by Oakland voters for emergency medical services, paramedic services, library services, public safety and violence prevention services, homeless services and other lawful governmental purposes, without increasing or imposing new taxes, be adopted?

Measure R. Charter Amendment -- City of Oakland (Majority Approval Required)
Pass: 82,901 / 73.88% Yes votes ...... 29,304 / 26.12% No votes
Shall a measure amending Oakland's City Charter to eliminate obsolete requirements for designation of the City of Oakland's Official Newspaper, and authorizing the City Council to establish procedures by ordinance to designate the City of Oakland's official newspaper or newspapers be adopted?

Measure S. Parcel Tax -- City of Oakland (2/3 Approval Required)
Pass: 82,583 / 72.35% Yes votes ...... 31,562 / 27.65% No votes
Shall a measure to provide: homelessness support services and programs to help homeless individuals move into shelters and housing; trash removal from parks and creeks; safe, well-maintained parks and trails; clean, accessible park restrooms; improved water quality; and park facilities repairs, by enacting an annual $148 parcel tax for single-family parcels, and other parcels as specified, for 20 years, raising approximately $21,000,000 annually with exemptions for low-income seniors, be adopted?

Measure T. Parcel Tax -- City of Piedmont (2/3 Approval Required)
Pass: 4,874 / 82.99% Yes votes ...... 999 / 17.01% No votes
Shall Ordinance 746 N.S, which maintains essential police, fire, and paramedic services, prevents the reduction in maintenance of City parks, greenspaces and other public areas, and prevents the loss of recreational and other public services, by renewing the City of Piedmont's expiring parcel tax for four years, with annual rates depending on use between $551 and $1,395 per parcel, or $383 per dwelling unit, subject to CPI adjustment, raising approximately $2,424,620 annually, be adopted?

Measure U. Parcel Tax -- City of Union City (2/3 Approval Required)
Fail: 9,062 / 62.51% Yes votes ...... 5,434 / 37.49% No votes
To maintain 9-1-1 emergency response times, paramedic services, fire prevention/protection, disaster preparedness, neighborhood police patrols, youth violence/gang prevention and safety at public schools shall Union City's measure extending expiring public safety funding be adopted at $168 per parcel for the most common residential parcel (rates for other property types as described in the ballot pamphlet), providing approximately $5,000,000 annually for eight years, with annual inflation adjustments, independent citizen oversight and all funds staying local?

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