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Alameda County, CA June 8, 2010 Election
Smart Voter Political Philosophy for Justin Jelincic

Candidate for
United States Representative; District 13; Democratic Party

This information is provided by the candidate

We the People established a Federal government to form a more perfect union. That union was structured to yield a limited set of rights to the Federal government to meet the needs of the Citizens and States to have a united voice in International affairs, and to ensure domestic tranquility between the States.

The bill of rights concluded with a forceful 10th amendment that "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people." Many seem to focus on the balance between Federal and States rights, but I believe that "We the People", reserved rights to "The People".

My philosophy is that "We the People" should have broad personal rights. That they should be limited by the States and Federal government, only when the free exercise of our God given rights impose on the God given rights of others.

There should be a clear purpose for restricting the God given rights of "The People". A small step here and there leads to a major departure from the path. I believe that Congress should examine each funding request, and legislative proposal, and be clear to communicate why this is a constitutional mandate, and a right delegated to the United States by the Constitution. Most earmarks, and many other Federal outlays may not be properly controlled or funded at the Federal level.

I believe in a smaller Federal government, and greater control by the citizens, their towns, communities, and States.

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Created from information supplied by the candidate: May 10, 2010 17:30
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