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Hamilton County, OH November 3, 2009 Election
Smart Voter Political Philosophy for Thomas G. "Tom" Brown

Candidate for
Treasurer; City of Norwood

This information is provided by the candidate

Positive change and growth in Norwood is important for all of us. Having been involved in Norwood politics since 1999, I have long worked for this through grass-roots efforts. I feel that the time has come for me to seek elected office. I want to bring accountability and real change to the City of Norwood by running as the Republican candidate for City Treasurer.

I have always been concerned about the City of Norwood's financial stability and business growth, but none more than now. The City Treasurer's office needs leadership, organization, and efficiency. I am apprehensive that the current treasurer does not have these ideals as his main interest. It is for this reason I have decided to offer the voters of Norwood a real choice in this November's election.

I will make myself accessible to the Administration, City Council and Department Heads to assist in any financial issues. Additionally, unlike the current City Treasurer, I personally pledge to have regular office hours and to attend City Council meetings.

I have the leadership experience and commitment to excellence so desperately needed in the Treasurer's office. My experience with staff supervision and meeting goals in both the private and government sector will serve me well. I understand that too much government, as well as too little, is a waste of taxpayer's hard-earned money.

I want to bring responsibility, professionalism, transparency and a strong work ethic to the Tresurer's office. I pledge to have the office maintain regular business hours, hire a full time qualified staff to work to restructure and modernize the office, as well as work with both the City Auditor and City Council to balance the city's budget.

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Created from information supplied by the candidate: October 6, 2009 16:25
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