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Riverside County, CA November 8, 2005 Election
Smart Voter

By Hal H. Clark

Candidate for Council Member; City of Norco

This information is provided by the candidate
I moved to Norco 30 years ago with my wife, Eleanor, and three children, Teresa,Duane and Valerie. We immediately became involved in the community by becoming members of, the Family Trail seekers, a family riding club, which led to my involvement with the Norco Horseweek Committee. After 29 years, 20 of which I held the office of President or Vice President, I am still actively involved with the Horseweek Committee. Realizing not everybody had the passion for riding horses as Eleanor did, we got the kids involved with youth sports in Norco and I served two years as President of Jr All-American Football (JAAF) in the early 1980's. I have been heavily involved with community activities over the year's not only equestrian activities but also involved helping our seniors. I don't believe it is a requirement to own a horse to live in Norco. Enjoying the ruralness/openness and friendly people is all that it should take to be considered a true Norconian. I will continue to fight for a "Rural Norco" and be a voice for the people. Norco needs to concentrate on development of our existing commercial property to enhance our tax revenue. Houses are not the answer to budget shortfalls. More housing only makes it more difficult to provide Public Safety needs.

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