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LWV League of Women Voters of California Education Fund
Santa Barbara County, CA March 2, 2004 Election
Smart Voter Political Philosophy for Gale Joseph McNeeley

Candidate for
Member, Democratic Party County Central Committee; County of Santa Barbara; Supervisorial District 5

This information is provided by the candidate

A Vote from the Heart!

When is the last time you voted for someone for President who you believed in, and felt passionate about? How often have you had to hold your nose and vote for one guy and against the other? Is this what the founding fathers had in mind. Is this really democracy?

As a life-long Democrat, I have always seen our country as an important part of the world, and the world as an important partner to our nation. I have seen the Democratic Party chip away at the injustices in America, and eventually pull back to regroup and grow tired of the fight. I have seen the idealism of the Democratic party become pragmatism, and the fear of loosing become more important than the good we can do if we win. I have seen big money sour the process and buy favors from Democrats as well as Republicans.

Am I the only one who is fed up with the buying of the Presidency, the Governorship, and all other major offices from Senator on down? And what does the media do? They rate politician's ability to be elected based on how much money they raise.

Wouldn't it be great if the candidate who raised and spent the least money was elected President? "Money" is not free speech! "Free speech" is free speech. And we should keep it free! The airwaves belong to us and they should be free. Print media sells us the news that we will buy. Why not demand the best? Why not ask to hear the issues of the day debated freely and openly by the men and women who have the best ideas and the best records of providing for all the people?

I am working for Dennis Kucinich for President because he is the heart and conscience of the Democratic Party, and the current leader of the Progressive Wing of the Democratic Party. I am voting for Dennis from my heart! I am voting for him in the primary because my party needs to know what I value in this world. That includes universal health care, a "living wage" rather than a "minimum" wage, fair trade agreements that protect jobs, working conditions and the environment, "universal" health care, non violence as the guiding principle of our country rather than pre-emptive war, affordable education for all, protection of Medicare and Social Security from privatization, the right to privacy and protection of our civil rights, investment in renewable sources of energy over fossil fuels, and family farms over agribusiness.

Am I a dreamer? No! And neither is Dennis Kucinich. He was once my Mayor in Cleveland, Ohio, where he fought to save public power. Yes, power for the people. And even though he lost the next election, because the banks (who colluded with the private power companies) sent our city into default, he has been credited by every Ohio newspaper and all modern Cleveland mayors for saving citizens hundreds of millions of dollars on their electric bills.

So what do most Democrats say about Dennis when I campaign door to door? "I really agree with him on the issues, but I don't think he can be elected.' Why? Because he doesn't have enough money? He comes from blue-collar roots and stands by union workers? He hasn't been a governor or a senator, but he has been a councilman, mayor, state senator and four-term congressman? Is it because he's not tall enough, handsome enough, photogenic enough to lead us back to the path of personal freedom and respect in the world? Or is it because the media has written him off, and wants to focus on the pretty boys who have momentum?

Dennis Kucinich would shake up the current system of campaign financing. He has accepted no corporate support. He is honest and bold. He led 126 representatives of congress to vote against the war in Iraq. He voted against the "miss-named" Patriot Act. He challenges our current administration at every turn to keep them honest to their word and to the people.

So why shouldn't I vote for him in the primary on March 2nd? Why shouldn't every Democrat and Green and Independent and freethinking man and woman choose this good man of Ohio with a vision for a peaceful future? There is no reason. Dennis only needs 15% of the primary vote in each congressional district to earn him delegates at the National Democratic Convention.

What if he doesn't win the nomination? We will have shown the Democratic Party where our hearts and minds are. With our votes, we will tell the party that we don't want Bush Light. We want a real Democrat who cares about people here and around the world. That is not a wasted vote. That is a Democratic Revolution!

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Created from information supplied by the candidate: February 16, 2004 18:42
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