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LWV League of Women Voters of California
Santa Clara County, CA March 5, 2002 Election
Smart Voter Political Philosophy for Dennis Kennedy

Candidate for
Supervisor; County of Santa Clara; Supervisorial District 1

This information is provided by the candidate

County traffic, sprawl, health care and housing are quickly spiraling out of control. Santa Clara County residents deserve a Supervisor who will focus on maintaining and improving our quality of life. I will return common sense to government and make it accountable to working families throughout the community.

Traffic gridlock is polluting our neighborhoods and eating up time we can be spending with family and friends, working or relaxing. It's time for real transportation solutions that will unclog our streets and highways. Extending BART to San Jose and improving Caltrain service are top priorities. As your Supervisor I will work hard to make these projects reality and continue to focus on making improvements to our highways such as expediting widening of US 101 and 880.

Poor planning is quickly destroying the natural beauty of the Silicon Valley and choking our neighborhoods with traffic, crowds and urban sprawl. We need long-term planning solutions that will balance jobs, commerce, industry and housing while preserving precious open spaces and our way of life. I will continue to demand "Smart Growth" in our valley, stopping thoughtless developments that strain our infrustructure and create huge increases in school enrollment and traffic.

Despite an unprecedented economic boom, our county coffers are bleeding red. Over the past five years government spending has increased 56%, yet traffic congestion, urban sprawl and neighborhood services have gotten worse. It's time for a change! I will stand up to the special interests and make sure County services are delivered more effectively and efficiently to the people who fund them - the residents. I will root out government waste, fraud and abuse. County services are too critical to ensuring a healthy community to let them fall prey to the special interests.

It's time to bring back safe and strong neighborhood schools. The future of the Silicon Valley depends on our children. I will link more county services with schools making certain that social services and access to health care is available at our school campuses. Investing in quality public education is not enough. We need educational childcare for preschoolers. I will fight to enact policies that attract, train and retain childcare professionals, to develop and expand after-school programs to give children of working parents a better alternative to gangs and drugs.

The Silicon Valley must remain a viable community where families can live and work. Too many working families who have spent their lives in the Silicon Valley are forced out because of outrageous housing costs. I will forge partnerships between business leaders and government to create new affordable housing opportunities. Working families deserve more than talk - we need action. Our families deserve a comprehensive plan and bold political leadership to create the new affordable housing we need, while protecting the housing that we already have.

It's time for a change. Join countless community leaders, parents, teachers, business leaders and working families in supporting me for County Supervisor. I will be accountable to you and with your help and hard work we can make Santa Clara County work for us!

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Created from information supplied by the candidate: January 9, 2002 16:46
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