Stanislaus County, CA November 2, 1999 Election
Smart Voter

What Luck For Rulers, That Men Do Not Think

By Charles A. Beaty, Sr.

Candidate for Governing Board Member; Newman-Crows Landing Unified School District

This information is provided by the candidate
The intrusion of our Federal Government is ever increasing. This is particularly evident in Public Education. Written in the Spring of 1997 and Published in the Westside Index
"What Luck For Rulers, That Men Do Not Think"

My involvement with educational issues began in the spring of 1994, when I became deeply concerned about the management of the Newman's school district. Subsequently, I was appointed to the Board of Trustees to fill a vacancy in the summer of 1994 and was elected for a full term in November, 1995.
As a new board member, I began asking myself, "Why have there been so many changes in American education? Has education become a political experiment at the cost of America's future?" It became crucial that I discover the answers to my questions. Through my extensive research, a cast of characters and agendas have emerged making even more chilling the statement, "What luck for rulers, that men do not think,"-- Adolf Hitler.
In April of 1997, the Newman Crowslanding Unified School District will host a forum on education to inform the community of restructuring plans and to gain support for these efforts. As a board member, I have been part of the Educational Improvement Panel involved with the restructuring effort. It is vital for the community to be aware of local efforts. But, more importantly, the community should ask, Why is "restructuring?" needed?
It is imperative that, as citizens of this great country, we think for ourselves and ask questions of all our leaders. There is an array of private and public organizations influencing public education. Through a convoluted effort, these organizations are radically altering the manner in which public education is delivered to our children. "Why?"


Federal Department of Education (DOE) - formerly part of Health, Education and Welfare (HEW). Until 1979, HEW's primary responsibility was to gather data on education and make recommendations to state and local educational agencies. Now, as the chief facilitator of restructuring, the DOE is over-seeing the most massive restructuring effort of public education to date. The DOE was created in 1979 by President Jimmy Carter for the National Education Association's election support.

The DOE was craftily created with the use of the "General Welfare Clause" of the Constitution. By cleverly side stepping the 10th Amendment of the Bill of Rights, the stage was being set for ever increasing intrusion into every school district in the nation. The 10th Amendment states, "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people. The law establishing the DOE in part reads, "...the establishment of a DOE is in the public interest, will promote the general welfare of the United States." Ask yourself, "Whose welfare?"
With a Congressional handout of nearly 70 billion dollars in 1995, the DOE spends $33 billion for 244 programs. The balance is spent on 30 federal agencies for 308 programs which the General Accounting Office says "often are duplicative and overlapping." The DOE was touted as a means of increasing efficiency. The 1995 federal budget negotiations showed that of the 4937 employees at the department, 4394 were determined to be non essential -- 89% could be furloughed. How efficient is centralized control of public education? Consider these words from Economists and Nobel Prize recipient, Milton Friedman, "If you put the federal government if charge of the Sahara Desert, in 5 years, there'd be a shortage of sand." For 25 years the DOE has been in charge of the "desert." Do we now have a shortage of literate Americans?

Children's Defense Fund (CDF)- President, Marian Wright Edelman.

Formerly headed by Hillary Rodam Clinton. The CDF is very close to the Clinton Administration. The CDF is very active in promoting its agenda for increased federal spending on child related issues. In 1973, when financial support for issues relating to the poor was waning, Marian Wright Edelman added "children" to her repertoire--a perfect avenue by which to manipulate American hearts. The "Stand for Children Rally", held recently in Washington D.C. was the latest attempt to influence the Federal Government for increased federal spending on child related issues and ultimately--increased federal control. The child victimization effort is being played out in every city and county. Stanislaus County recently held its "Condition of Children" conference. Should control of a child's life be the responsibility of the Federal Government?

The National Center on Education and the Economy (NCEE) - President, Marc Tucker.

This organization is very close to the Clinton Administration. In 1990 and 1991, Marc Tucker paid Hillary Clinton's "Rose Law Firm" over $100,000 to direct the "Workforce Skills Program." the "womb to tomb" development and educational/career monitoring of all citizens--social engineering. NCEE is very influential in matters relating to the integration of education and labor through Work Force Development legislation. Does such a program have the potential to take control of an individual's future--not allowing the individual to think for him/herself?

National Education Association (NEA)

Promotes ever increasing centralized control and increased federal spending on the Public Education System. Above all, NEA is a union. They exert tremendous control over public policy concerning Public Education. Consider their philosophy based on NEA resolutions passed in 1995. The association believes that voucher plans, tax credits to private and parochial schools, home schooling, standardized testing, teacher competency testing are harmful. Promotes on site child care and a full continuum of services (Cradle to Grave) care through comprehensive School Health Programs and Services. This is socialized education. What happens to family structure and values under such conditions?
NEA staff members in Washington DC, earned an average salary of $68,346 during 1994-95 compared to the average teachers salary of $36,933. The NEA uses nearly 23% of members' dues to fund its $41.6 million payroll. Of the union's 608 employees, 126 made over $100,000. Are these individuals interested in the welfare of America's children--or their own financial well being?

Legislation and Methodology - the frenzy for restructuring Goals 2000 - (Educate America Act)

The "one stop shopping for parents and students" legislation--section 306 of Goals 2000. No other piece of Federal Legislation has done more to increase the centralization of the American educational system, and decrease parental control over education, than Goals 2000. "Who should have control over the educational decisions of our children?" Consider the thoughts of President Dwight D. Eisenhower, "Diffusion of authority among tens of thousands of school districts is a safeguard against centralized control and abuse of the educational system..." The Goals 2000 legislation anticipates these concerns with the phrase, "local-state-federal partnership." Obviously, in American politics, the partner that controls the purse strings has the ultimate control.

Curriculum development and skills assessment have traditionally been the responsibility of each state. When formed, the U.S. Department of Education was forbidden from exerting influence or control over curricular issues. However, the Goals 2000 application process dictates that the states agree to report to the federal government on its standards and assessments in exchange for federal dollars. Goals 2000 was presented to every school board essentially as a grant process. By succumbing to these mandates, the states have relinquished control over curriculum and assessment.
The objective of Goals 2000 is to restructure the educational system under the guise of increasing standards. In reality, the objective is to adjust standards to be universally attainable. For educational standards to be universally attainable, they must be lowered--"dumbed down." The Federal Government's involvement opens the door for further abuses of authority and educational experimentation with American children.
Proponents of the Goals 2000 legislation argue that acceptance of funds is voluntary--based on the precept that it is a state's decision to accept or reject funding. But, if a state rejects funding, what could the Federal Government do? According to the Washington Times, February 8, 1994, "The Clinton's complex scheme for restructuring elementary and secondary education would write into federal law a 'corrective action' provision that would oblige states to oust local school board members and superintendents if they were deemed to be falling short of the new federally prescribed outcome-based standards." Is this 'corrective action' or "coercive action?" A review of Goals 2000 legislation finds it steeped with terms such as "will", "must" and "shall."
One merely has to look at the funding formula for Goals 2000 to determine how our tax dollars are being mismanaged. With a huge "bureaucratic skim," sections 303, 308 and 309 calculate that only 40%-45% of the funds will ever reach the classroom. The bulk of the funds are designated for additional Federal agencies such as the National Education Goals Panel and the National Skills Standards Board. Due to intense pressure from concerned organizations, the National Education Standards and Improvement Council, a national school board with most of its 20 members appointed by the President, was eliminated in October. Funding for education is always a critical issue. If education is so important, why must vast sums of tax dollars go to Washington with only a fractional dollar return for education?

Outcome Based Education

Goals 2000 cannot be discussed without interjecting
the teaching philosophy and methodology of Outcome-Based-Education (OBE). With roots in Experimental Psychology, dating back to the early 1800's, OBE is considered the vehicle for achieving "universally attainable standards".
OBE de-emphasizes academic standards and emphasizes a variety of esoteric outcomes such as attitudinal; self-esteem; cooperative learning; and untracking. These outcomes are on public view as a district mission statement. Generally, these mission statements contain nothing pertaining to reading, writing and calculating. As the result of my concern over this issue, we now have Board Goals which emphasize Reading, Writing and Calculating to grade level.
OBE lacks the element of critique, thus eliminating the importance of accuracy in the areas of math, spelling, grammar, reading and historical facts. Are the majority of your child's assignments graded for accuracy--or are they graded by other students rather than the classroom teacher? Does your child's final grade reflect a grading policy that gives a student credit for merely turning work in, rather than, evaluating for accuracy and understanding?

Careers Acts and Work Force Development Legislation

Developed primarily by Bill and Hillary Clinton, and Marc Tucker (National Center for Education and the Economy). Marc Tucker's desire is to create "a seamless web of opportunities to develop one's skills that literally extends from cradle to grave and is the same system for everyone--young and old, poor and rich, worker and full time student." Some of the most insidious aspects are; the combination of education with industrial production--Karl Marx, 10th plank of the Communist Manifesto; a national employment database; certificates of mastery/competency to participate in the workforce; the creation of a cradle to grave file on each student/citizen. The American Heritage Dictionary defines Corporate Fascism as "a philosophy or system of government that advocates or exercises dictatorship through the merging of state and business leadership."
In Red China, "dangans" are kept on each citizen, files opened on each individual when they enter school containing educational and political evaluations that affect career prospects. Are we willing to accept this in the United States?
We have seen the cast of characters and their "restructuring" agendas. The legislation is in place. Are we in the midst of a transition--to Socialism--with public education at the forefront? The fall of Socialist and Communist countries in Eastern Europe indicate the freedoms desired by their citizens. Are we destined to repeat their mistakes and the mistakes of the past? What does modern educational restructuring hold for our children? My desire is for Newman parents--all citizens--is to ask questions and get involved!

"The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing" - Edmund Burke.

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