Contra Costa County, CA November 2, 1999 Election
Smart Voter

Political Philosophy for Carol Federighi

Candidate for
Council Member; City of Lafayette


This information is provided by the candidate

Our General Plan update must go forward with ample opportunity for full community input. Since incorporation in 1968, Lafayette residents have supported preserving Lafayette's semi-rural ambiance, particularly in our residential areas. To that end, our General Plan has emphasized maintaining the character of existing neighborhoods and protecting environmentally sensitive areas such as our hillsides and ridgelines. I support those goals. I will work to strengthen land-use policies, uphold our zoning ordinances, and strengthen code enforcement. Additionally, I favor completion of our Community Park and trail system, clear communication with and support for our schools, and an open government that encourages active participation by its citizens and is responsive to them.

We are now witnessing major improvements to Lafayette's downtown. In the next few years, the City will have additional opportunities to revitalize its core, enhance the attractiveness of its village character. I support making Lafayette's downtown more pedestrian friendly. I will work to make expansion of retail a realistic goal by developing additional public parking in the downtown. A new library is within reach if we can take advantage of public-private partnerships.

There is no easy answer to this growing problem, but I will focus on finding solutions to congestion on our major arterials, such as Moraga Road. We can and must continue to work with neighboring communities to decrease traffic that impacts Lafayette. Improved signalization may help our traffic flow somewhat. I would encourage more use of public transit. I would not favor widening of Mt. Diablo Blvd. beyond what has already been approved. Solutions to our traffic woes must not come at the expense of pedestrian safety.

I support strong fiscal management of our financial resources. We should maximize the use of our Redevelopment Agency's limited tax increment funds. I promote public-private partnerships to provide services and amenities the City might not otherwise be able to afford. We must do long-range financial planning to protect our fiscal health in the years to come. And we must retain a high quality staff that will skillfully manage our resources.

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