El Dorado County, CA November 3, 1998 General
Smart Voter

A Balanced Community

By George F. Mc Kinnon

Candidate for Board Member; El Dorado Hills Community Services District

This information is provided by the candidate
If we had just enough industry and retail establisments to put everyone to work, to provide for life's necessities, and just enough taxes to support a city's infrastructure then we would truly have "Balance".
My goal for El Dorado Hills is to help its businesses and residents acheive a high level of balance for now and for the future. I currently chair a community of well over a thousand residents and business persons who are just now experiencing the results of community balancing efforts.

At Waterford I started the balancing process by filling the largest gap first with the establishment of the Waterford Teens. The teens now share responsibility for what goes on in the community and they help themselves in the process with self government and by helping the needy.

Our young children are easy to entertain and provide for because they have not fully discovered their independence. Easter egg hunts, birthday parties, costume parades and the like are generally all you need to satisfy them. There are not many young adults in their twenties who still live with their parents since most of them move on to start their own families.

Our seniors represent the other large gap in the community balance schema. Most communities have at least something for seniors such as a place for them to gather and socialize as well as events and field trips.

Balance also comes with planning and encouraging the right proportion of buisinesses and types of businesses for the resident population. To support a city's infrastructer it may be necessary to raise the ratio of businesses to residents. My suggestion is that we consult with those who have already gone through the process of city hood so that we don't make the same mistakes, find out what their balance is and does it work for them.

Balance, Balance, Balance, the concept is tangible, measurable, and can be leveraged for better planning and to insight confidence in local government. "We are building affordable housing because our community needs socioeconomic balance". "We have issued permits to ACME Manufacturing because they will help generate the revenue we need to open a senior center." "We have re-zoned that area as open space because our schools cannot handle any more children". These are all controversial issues which can be resolved with one word "Balance".

Vote for George F. McKinnon if you want a "Balanced Community" for El Dorado Hills.

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Created from information supplied by the candidate: October 14, 1998 20:56
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