Smart Voter
State of California June 2, 1998 Primary

Directory of California State Propositions


Proposition 219 Ballot Measures. Application. (Legislative Constitutional Amendment. Put on the Ballot by the Legislature.)
3,265,978 / 67.0% Yes votes
1,610,331 / 33.0% No votes
Requires statewide/local ballot measure to apply in all parts of jurisdiction, regardless of how parts of jurisdiction voted. Prohibits alternative versions of a measure from becoming law based upon specified vote percentage. Fiscal Impact: The number of measures this proposition would affect in the future, and the resulting fiscal impact, cannot be estimated.

Proposition 220 Courts. Superior and Municipal Court Consolidation. (Legislative Constitutional Amendment. Put on the Ballot by the Legislature.)
3,213,798 / 64.4% Yes votes
1,783,071 / 35.6% No votes
Provides for consolidation of superior and municipal courts in county upon approval by majority of county's superior and municipal court judges. Makes related changes to court system. Fiscal Impact: Potential annual net savings to the state, in the range of millions to tens of millions of dollars in the long term, to the extent that most superior and municipal courts consolidate.

Proposition 221 Subordinate Judicial Officers. Discipline. (Legislative Constitutional Amendment. Put on the Ballot by the Legislature.)
3,958,652 / 80.8% Yes votes
943,326 / 19.2% No votes
This measure grants Commission on Judicial Performance discretionary authority to discipline subordinate judicial officers according to same standards as judges, as specified, subject to review by California Supreme Court. Fiscal Impact: Probably minor, if any, costs to the state.

Proposition 222 Murder. Peace Officer Victim. Sentence Credits. (Legislative Initiative Amendment. Put on the Ballot by the Legislature.)
3,978,287 / 77.1% Yes votes
1,188,113 / 22.9% No votes
Provides second degree murder of peace officer on duty is punishable by life in prison without parole where aggravating factors are present. Eliminates duplicative provision. Disallows person convicted of murder from earning credits to reduce the prison sentence. Fiscal Impact: Probably minor additional state costs.

Proposition 223 Schools Spending Limits on Administration. (Legislative Constitutional Amendment. Put on the Ballot by Petition Signatures.)
2,393,361 / 45.6% Yes votes
2,848,248 / 54.4% No votes
Prohibits school districts from spending more than five percent of funds from all sources for administrative costs. Authorizes fines for failure to comply. Fiscal Impact: Requires school districts to reduce administrative costs (as defined by the measure) by up to $700 million. To comply with this requirement, districts could more accurately account for administrative costs, move operations from central locations to school sites, and reduce administrative spending.

Proposition 224 State-Funded Design and Engineering Services. (Legislative Constitutional Amendment. Put on the Ballot by Petition Signatures.)
1,936,722 / 38.1% Yes votes
3,134,749 / 61.9% No votes
Imposes restrictions on state-funded design and engineering contracts. Requires cost comparison between private contractors and public employees performing work. Provides defined competitive bidding requirement. Fiscal Impact: Unknown impact on state and local government costs to obtain construction-related services. Impact would depend largely on factors included in required cost analyses.

Proposition 225 Limiting Congressional Terms. (Proposed U.S. Constitutional Amendment. Initiative Statute. Put on the Ballot by Petition Signatures.)
2,689,045 / 52.9% Yes votes
2,395,338 / 47.1% No votes
Establishes as California's official position that state and federal legislators support U.S. Constitutional amendment establishing Congressional term limits and requires them to use their powers to enact Congressional term limits. Fiscal Impact: Relatively minor costs to the state and to counties.

Proposition 226 Political Contributions By Employees, Union Members, Foreign Entities. (Initiative Statute. Put on the Ballot by Petition Signatures.)
2,510,579 / 46.5% Yes votes
2,880,855 / 53.5% No votes
Requires employee's or union member's permission to withhold wages or union dues for political contributions. Prohibits foreign contributions to state and local candidates. Fiscal Impact: Unknown, probably not major, state enforcement costs. Additional state costs (up to $2 million annually, one-time costs of $2 million to $5 million), offset by fees, and unknown local government costs for administrative activities, probably offset by fees.

Proposition 227 English Language In Public Schools. (Initiative Statute. Put on the Ballot by Petition Signatures.)
3,345,481 / 61.0% Yes votes
2,143,087 / 39.0% No votes
Requires all public school instruction be in English, unless parents request otherwise and show certain circumstances. Provides short-term English immersion programs for children learning English. Funds community English instruction. Fiscal Impact: Impacts on individual school districts would depend on how schools, parents, and the state respond to the proposition's changes. These impacts could vary significantly by district. Total state spending on education, however, probably would not change.

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League of Women Voters of California

California Voter Foundation California CapitolWeek Online (KVIE 6) Campaign Finance Info

Summary of Financing Activity
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San Francisco Chronicle

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Created: June 17, 1998 11:14
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Copyright © 1998 League of Women Voters of California, Smart Valley Inc.
The League of Women Voters neither supports nor opposes candidates for public office or political parties.